It was not an easy decision, but in the end, the British conservative party had sworn Boris Johnson as Prime Minister of the nation. It seems that Johnson has the complicated mission to release his land from the hands of the European Union; the time when the England nation has to free-ride the globe again has come. The English leader took office in a delicate moment; Gibraltarian authorities had seized an Iranian vessel at the request of the U.S.. Iran's response was to capture an English tanker in the Persian Gulf coastline. It was Boris Johnson who had to deal with that, and the first movement he did was to propose a European-led protection force. British prime minister was requesting a joining force to those partners who want to abandon. Not much later, Gibraltarian authorities decided to release the Iranian tanker vessel. The U.S. didn't agree with that decision, but the vessel Grace 1 was already navigating free to Greece. The brand new British tanker Stena Impero was still seized. The serviceable seizure from the British colony revealed two main factors; first, the weakness of the U.K. to defend itself its vessels. Secondly follows the questionable presence of the U.K. overseas, mainly in the so-called "British Mediterranean." The European Union is analyzing Gibraltar's status, and it is unknown what will happen after a hard Brexit.
Despite the confusing situation, Boris Johnson wrote to her Majesty the Queen to request permission to suspend the activity of Parliament between September 10 and October 14. Johnson has now the authority to close the parliament. It is not an unusual procedure; however, what is usual is to close the parliament for two weeks, not five. The goal that Johnson seeks was to achieve a hard Brexit without any interference of the democratic parliament. John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons and also a member of the conservative party, labeled Johnson's decision as a democratic scandal. Even with all those factors against, Johnson is now successfully advancing towards Itaca. All those critical voices were shut down after recent elections; Johnson had the approval of the electorate to continue with his route towards independence. There was a lot of propaganda in European media trying to draw a different view of the English electorate´s will, but after elections there is no room for more manipulative perception management; English people want to leave the EU.
However, English electorate is not the only will in this political agenda. It is well documented to what extent the U.S. is behind the U.K.'s global activity. Also, it is well known that the U.S. is attracting the country to a dissimulate neo colonial adventure, or perhaps to a fight for the nations against globalist powers. Johnson and Trump see their offices as a messianic adventure to free of their kingdoms, but after all, it seems to be an alliance to counteract the global influence of China. A pretty complicated adventure, but a compulsory adventure for them. It was a public secret that Donald Trump was patronizing Brexit. It was unusual that the U.K. Prime Minister was threatening with abandoning the E.U. without a mutual agreement; no negotiation was needed for the prime minister. There was something suspicious behind that position, now the agenda behind curtains is clearer. There were analysts and experts in European media doubting that the prime minister would take such severe choice without negotiation, but today it seems that the total breakdown is easily feasible. From Brussels, the preoccupation was that a radical conservative as Boris Johnson got in 10 Downing Street, but the real activity behind Brexit came from New York. So, while Brussels and the media were looking to Johnson, the Brexit was being designed overseas. On August 25, the relationship between Trump and Brexit was apparent; the American president promised to the U.K. prime minister a significant trade deal after Brexit, also Trump has praised Johnston as a great politician. A surprised Boris Johnston couldn’t react to this new brotherhood and reclaimed some time to carry on negotiations.
Several international media outlets reported time ago what was happening out of focus. Nigel Farage is the Eurosceptic politician par excellence and was the first European politician to have a meeting with Trump after winning the U.S. elections. When the U.K. prime minister took office, Farage went to the U.S. again. This time Farage went to meet Donald Trump, to design the breakdown with the E.U. Farage exposed at the New York Athletic Club the political initiative World4Brexit (W4B) to raise funds aimed to make the UK-EU breakdown possible. When Farage left the U.S., the W4B has shared donors with Donald Trump. The partnership between the eurosceptic political line of the U.K. and the Donald Trump funding caucus draws a different strategy for the E.U.; the negotiations won’t take place, it is necessary to assume that the breakdown will happen. Brexit is not a European issue; it is a global strategy developed from the nationalist and conservative faction of the U.S.. There is one obvious thing at the moment; the UK is an unstable partner in case Brexit fails. In the U.K., there are already considerable investments to approach the country to a new global government, led again by the U.S., and this won't be dissipated.
The Prime Minister should have taken note from the seizure of vessels lesson. When the Gibraltar authorities followed the instructions of the U.S. requesting to seize an Iranian vessel, the U.K. got a seized vessel in Iran and an examination on the Gibraltar status as rewards. With the Brexit might be the same; the U.K. will follow instructions from the U.S. and will start a confrontation with the E.U.. But the UK has a lot to lose, because they are promoting a breakdown with a strong global market, and bacause they reject the need for help from the European countries to navigate around the world. Johnston is attending to the siren calls coming from another well known messianic politician and may be approaching the UK ship-craft to the rocks of Global Island. The global adventure where Trump and Johnson are taking their countries is the most interesting movement in geopolitics nowadays, is like a regression to the past aimed to take prominent positions in the future.

Hi…yes really it is an interesting global adventure cause it concerne EU-Med network to european one Geant to british one with situation of Irland and worldwide too by instauring HSBC as main building in HK for its crisis to a deal USA-UK-EU concernig rates of change in Tri-party can see in to end with inflation in their economy…