The war has been short, so short-term that it has not even begun. When several MEPs realized that the Council of Europe sought to impose its candidates for the executive positions, they were outraged. Some of them proclaimed that they were inclined to make a democratic revolution within European institutions, that they were going to reject the Council of Europe´s candidates when they had to vote in the parliament. Everything announced an ugly divorce between the European institutions. After the special horse-trading meeting of the Council on June 30, 1 and 2 July 2019 in Brussels, the four appointed names were announced, and two positions required the vote of the parliament. The positions in need of approval are the Presidency of the European Commission that Ursula von der Leyen already holds, and the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The Presidency of the European Central Bank, which will be held by Christine Lagarde, and the new President of the European Council, to Charles Michel, do not need to pass the parliament approval, but Parliament as to be consulted. The European deputies had the illusion that the Spitzenkandidat system would be consolidated. However, the idea that the leaders of the leading parties at European Parliament would hold executive positions in the EU has vanished; the EU has shown to be controlled by the Council of Europe, which is at the same time controlled by the Franco-German axis, which is controlled by the main political parties of those two countries.

The defender of the Brexit and MEP Richard Tice, warmed up the situation when knowing the nomination proposed by the Council. He denounced in Twitter the democratic deficiency of the EU; Tice used the decision of the Council to defend the Brexit. The denounces of EU democratic deficiency have been prominent among Brexit defenders; these European deputies have had the perfect excuse to develop a political campaign in their favor. In his side, Manfred Weber declared after knowing the nominations that this was not the Europe that he imagined. Jean-Claude Juncker, former president of the European Commission, denounced that the system for choosing his successor was not transparent, and he regretted that the Spitzenkandidat system did not become a norm. street-level polls also showed general discontent with the second-tier politicians who had been nominated to control the European executive. Everything indicated that the dissatisfaction would end in a veto to the German candidate, but the European Parliament approved on July 17 the nomination of von der Leyen as president of the European Commission. There was no general veto, and there was no war; Most of the MEPs had chosen to follow the political line set by their national parliaments, to the detriment of the European Parliament they supposedly defend. The democratic european union has surrender without a fight.

However, the decision of the Council to eliminate the democratic obstacles in the election of the EU executive foresees a legislature of changes within the EU. The first announcement of the European Commission has been that they will reinforce the rule of law, and the first target has been Poland. The government of this country had been repeatedly accused of interfering in judicial matters and of controlling the country's justice system. The commission announces sanctions and inspections if Poland does not comply with Brussels´ demands. In the same focus are the countries of Eastern Europe that conform the Visegrad group, whose governments have decided to maintain national political lines instead of obeying the orders from Brussels. The election of the executive positions of the EU not only lacks democratic legitimacy, but also the chosen ones themselves created doubts about their capacity to develop their activity. The final situation has left a Europe that does not meet the democratic levels that Europe demands to other international actors, and with an executive that does not meet the expectations to exercise the more complex and arbitrary mandate that Brussels has faced.

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